AER 24 - STAGE 10

AER 24 - STAGE 10

Stage 10 has begun and she is off and racing!!

Bit of a chaotic start this morning due to weather, we were pounded by some intense wind and essentially a sand storm thoughtout the whole night and still continuing now. Which caused for very minimal and disturbed sleep for everyone. I think the mad panics of the morning and trying to get ready and dressed in the wild winds allowed for Vanessa to not get too much into her head about the day and she seemed quite content.

Although once on the start line she alongside others were informed that Due to the winds and lack of visibility the first portion of this morning was cancelled, which then caused alot of confusion as to which way to go and how to adapt their roadbooks. As the instructions were very unclear.


So at this point I am unsure of what distances will be covered today and how many changes are made, so don't be alarmed if yer little dot in the desert appears to not be in the "right spot"

But she has set off with a truck and another bike so they can help each other find the way to the first part where they will be given proper guidance and instruction on the navigation for the day.

Fingers crossed the winds start to settle so the visibility increases


End of Stage 10

Wooohooo and she is over the finish line! Another day done! ✅ now just a 60km liaison to the bivouac wooohooo


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