AER 24 - STAGE 7 - (DAY 8)

AER 24 - STAGE 7 - (DAY 8)

Stage 7 has begun and she is off and racing!!

Today saw Vanessa off at around 8 am in high spirits after shaking out her nerves yesterday from the first time hitting the Mauritanian sand.

Today is a much warmer day with temperatures sitting around 34° so she will be battling the heat on today's 453km loop day.

Apologies in the lack of updates and content, we have been having some signal issues now that we are in the middle of the desert. But Vanessa is doing well, she is feeling fit, motivated, energised and alot more confident in here skills. support crew Keri and Joe are doing well and myself.. well we think I have a form of gastro so not doing quite as well. Hopefully when Vanessa pulls up to the bivouac this evening she will be feeling even more confident in her abilities, because we all know she can do it 💪

End of Stage 7

And she is back!! Wooooo! Early arrival at 4.30pm so plenty of time this afternoon for a shower, dinner, massage and into bed at a decent hour. She absolutely nailed it today!



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